Saturday 26 May 2012

The Day The Oxen Died

The day the oxen died, everyone mourned them, and buried themselves in sadness, and they never came out.
The next day, the oxen came back to life, and they saw that everyone had buried themselves, and thus the oxen buried themselves in sadness, and they never came out.
Until the next day, when they came out.
But then they died again.
Then, the penguins were deeply saddened by the loss of their oxen, so they visited an abandoned genetic engineering lab.
They created a new species of super oxen, which had wings, rockets, and high intelligence.
This new species went on a rampage, and destroyed all of the species on earth.
Following this, they buried themselves in sadness, and they never came out.
Until the next day, when they came out.
Then, they dug up all the other species who had buried themselves in sadness, and they ate them.
Afterwards, the super oxen got very hungry, so they began to eat each other, until there was only one left.
He buried himself in sadness, and he never came out.
Until the next day, when he declared himself king of the world, and his reign continued forever.
Until the next day, when he died.

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