Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Larissa's Dream Haven

So for a while now, there's been a large monster house going up near where I live. Literally, it actually looks like a monster. I mean, it has these two big windows, then a series of doors-
Anyway. So recently, they put up a gate. Well, fine. More pretentious stuff. Anyway, they put a little piece of wood in it, I would imagine the name of their house, and it reads:

Ok, really? Of all the things you could name your house (as if anyone even does that anymore), you chose THAT? Bah!
And really, that's basically an invitation for vandalism and ridicule. I mean, you could wake up one morning, and find this:

I'm actually really tempted to do that, but I wouldn't.

And really, it just seems so out of place, even more so than in an average city. But amongst the countryside, it's just so... stuffish. Here, I'll show you:

Oh my goodness! It's beautiful!

Look at the big hill!

Good thing there's no hokey "Larissa's Dream Haven" sign! ...oh yeah.

Name your house something else.


  1. I just drove past this place earlier today; it definitely stands out-actually it kind of screams "look at me!". Otherwise, it was a nice piece of countryside, and a great drive(sorry to hear you have to look at it all the time).

  2. It looks great. And its even getting bigger. To bad Alex you sound jealous as hell.

    1. Yeah, I must admit I am pretty jealous. I'm quite tempted to name my house "Alexander's Dream Haven".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This place was meant to be built up for a girl who didn't live to see her 16th birthday. "Dream Haven" was what she wanted to call her farm... so no need to call anything you don't understand pretentious.
    People haven money that's a reality, but spitting on someone's name when you don't know the back story is just ignorant. Also snooping around and taking pictures of someone else's property and home is pretty stalkery too...

  5. Yeah well I'm complaining about it in memory of my late grandfather. He always liked to shit on people minding their own business, so I'm just honouring his legacy. Calling me out on being an asshole is ignorant when you don't know the backstory.

  6. It's called Larissa's Dream Haven because the woman that owns it had a daughter named Larissa who passed away. They bring their pets to the animal hospital I worked at. So why don't you shut the fuck up.

  7. Alexander you are just the worst people like you just genuinely suck
